April 16, 2020
Published on April 06, 2020 by Julia Roether
The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt around the world.
To support customers struggling to make ends meet because of the global crisis, Southern California Edison has increased the amount of bill relief provided by the Energy Assistance Fund.
Income-qualified customers experiencing COVID-19 financial hardship due to quarantine, illness, caring for loved ones or business closures can apply for assistance to pay their electric bill. Customers who use both electricity and gas to power their homes can receive up to $200 in aid and customers with all-electric homes can receive up to $300.
The program is limited to customers who have not already used this program in the last 12 months. This resource is available to customers until the fund is depleted. Customers can contribute to the fund through their monthly bill or via a credit card donation.
Established in 1982, the Energy Assistance Fund is supported by Edison International shareholders as well as donations from SCE employees and customers. Through the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, every year 10,000-15,000 customers receive help paying their bill.
In addition to the Energy Assistance Fund, income-qualified customers may be able to take advantage of the California Alternate Rates for Energy or Family Electric Rate Assistance programs.
The CARE program provides income-qualified households a discount of about 30% on monthly electric bills. FERA provides a reduced monthly discount of 18% for income-qualified households of three or more. Eligibility for both programs is based on annual household income and the total number of people living in the household.
SCE has also suspended service disconnections for nonpayment and is waiving late fees by request for residential and business customers impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.
For more information about customer programs, visit: sce.com/billhelp.
Here are the income guidelines, effective through May 31, 2020: