ESGVJCC Preschool
The ESGVJCC Preschool Program is for children aged 2 to 5 years old! The program is focused on school readiness, early reading, writing and math, phonics and gross motor movement.
For more information, please email Pearl Omiya, Executive Director at pomiya@esgvjcc.org or call (626) 960-2566.

Saturday Japanese Preschool Program
The ESGVJCC Saturday Japanese Preschool Program is for preschool-aged children (3-5 years old) on Saturday mornings. Children are encouraged to exercise all their senses, and discover and learn at their own pace. All instruction is conducted in English while introducing Japanese through books, language lessons, songs, and dance.
Activities are centered around the day’s theme that is chosen from things or phenomena found in children’s everyday life.
Saturday 9:00 am- 12:00 pm
Contact: Melissa Kozono or (626) 960-2566
Registration information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Monthly tuition costs- $55.00 for ESGVJCC Members and $75.00 for Non-members
Material Fee – $100.00
Registration Fee – $25.00 for ESGVJCC Members and $50.00 for Non-members
Please contact the ESGVJCC Office if you would like to be added to our Wait List.
Let’s Eurythmics Music Class

The Ogino Acacademy presents Let’s Eurythmics Introduction to Music for Young Children! Students will be introduced to music by singing songs, playing instruments, and more.
Every Thursday 3pm to 4pm
Classes will be $80 per month (4 classes) for non members
$70 per month for members
To sign up or for more information, please email oginoacademyeurythmics@gmail.com.