ESGVJCC Trunk or Treat 2017 web banner 1

The ESGVJCC is proud to present the 5th Annual ESGVJCC Trunk or Treat! This Trunk or Treat will take place on: Friday, October 26th from 4:00pm-7:00pm

This Trunk or Treat is a safe, family friendly alternative to trick or treating.

We will be having lots of Games and Activities for the Kids including our spooky Haunted House and food will be available for purchase!

Sit and enjoy a free film screening in the Courtyard from 5:00 – 7:00pm

Feel free to stop by for some Spooky Fun!

For more information about Trunk or Treat contact Melissa Kozono or (626) 960-2566

Click here for ESGVJCC Trunk or Treat 2018 Flyer