The 2021 Veterans Day Service will take place on November 14th from 1pm to 2pm via Zoom. We will be screening Four Two Four F Company at war and the service will be moderated by Robert Leong. To sign up to RSVP, please email Melissa Kozono at mkozono@esgvjcc.org or call (626) 960-2566.
Flag Signing Event
On Saturday, November 20th from 1pm to 4pm will be the Japanese American Incarceration Memorial Legacy Projects Flag Signing Event at the ESGVJCC. For more information, please visit http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2021/5/27/flag-signing-project. This event will follow all COVID‐19 requirements: Please wear face coverings/masks; physical distancing; adhere to appointment times, etc. Please register for a time slot if sign at https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/EastSanGabrielValleyJapaneseC/flagsigning.html. For more information or questions, please email Pearl Omiya at pomiya@esgvjcc.org or call (626) 960-2566.