Come join us for our 3rd Annual Family Fun Day!
This event combines everything that’s great about the Center…family, food, & most of all fun!!
You! Come out on…
Date: Saturday, June 2nd
Time: 12:30pm-4:00pm
Location: Cortez Park Shelter #2 | 2441 E. Cortez St., West Covina
It’s a Potluck Lunch so please bring the dish that corresponds with the first letter of your last name.
A-G: Desserts
H-M: Rice Dish
N-S: Main Dish
T-Z: Salad
Thank you to Karate & Leisure Club for donating the water!
3 Legged Race by JACL & Kime Komi Doll Class
Scavenger Hunt by Leisure Club & Karaoke & Shinkendo
Water Balloon Toss by NYO College & Ayame-Kai
Basketball Pass by NYO High School & Karate
Pass the Daikon by Gakuen & Kendo
Dress Your Teammate by Judo & Sabers
Frisbee Throwing Contest by Nikkei Boomers & West Covina Buddhist Temple
Click here for the flyer.